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July/August Commit Dates and Quick Hitters

Jason Brassell

July/August Commitment Dates:

S Jaylan Morgan (7/8) - Will be surprised if it isn't UGA.

WR Phillip Wright (7/13) - Visited UGA, but we are full unless your name is CJ Wiley.

WR Travis Smith Jr (7/13) - Believe Tennessee has been the most consistent here and built the strongest relationship.

S Rashad Johnson (7/14) - Will be surprised if it isn't UGA.

S DJ Pickett (7/17) - Dawgs in top 4 (probably 4th). Watch Oregon.

IOL Cortez Smith (7/20) - Will be surprised if it isn't UGA.

OLB Byrce Davis (7/20) - Has been All-Dawg for a while. Have heard from more than one place (including Graham reporting here) that we won't have room. I kind of want to bet against those odds here 🙂

ILB Christian Gass (7/20) - This one is the most interesting. I'm going UGA if we have room. Will try to find out more as we get closer. This will include seeing if anything happens with Jadon Perlotte's commitment before this date.

S Lagonza Heyward (7/28) - Not UGA. Not a take.

S Anquon Fegans (7/29) - I don't believe we've been consistent enough. His brother transferred to Auburn. Going with the Tigers here.

OL Juan Gaston (8/2) - Still love where UGA stands here. Tennessee will push hard. Also don;t discount Oregon the way they've been recruiting. But I'm definitely sticking with my Georgia prediction and with confidence.

CB/DB Jontae Gilbert (8/10) - We were off and on with him in the beginning because he wanted CB and we wanted S. He worked out in June in Athens and we started recruiting him as a corner. More than one person has told me to watch UGA here.

OL Josh Petty - (8/12) - Not a take at UGA, too small. I actually like him better as a defensive end. FSU looks like the team to beat, with his sister already in school there.



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